Generations at a glance

Matjaž Šircelj
100 Days of Writing Challenge
1 min readDec 13, 2017

I found an interesting chart, comparing five generations and explaining demographic changes across those generations.

I’m a late Gen X, born in 1978 and since I’ve been in tech area of work for 20 years now, I feel like a Millennial, too. I dare to say I understand both generations and I am comfortable in conversation with at least the first (older) half of Millennial generation. I spent a lot of time and talking with people older than me, I’m interested in a bit of a history, so Baby Boomers I can understand. But their world is not very much aligned with my value system, I’m more of a free spirited person, like one that would have trouble living in their generation. Gen Z I’m not so sure, sometimes they are complete mystery to me. I work in social media communications, but I probably still don’t get Snapchat. And can somebody start talking like a proper person, not in emojis like a robot, please? ;)

origin, besides on the chart, unknown

Time on point today, writing my 82nd post out of my 100 Days of Writing Challenge.

