How do you want to spend your last 100 days of 2017?

Matjaž Šircelj
100 Days of Writing Challenge
2 min readSep 23, 2017

2018 is coming. In 100 days! 2017 was and still is one of the most cathartic years for me. I really tried to learn more about myself, my faults and strengths, worldviews of others and society at large.

So, how do you want to spend your last 100 days of 2017? I’ll write. Every day. Right till the New Year’s eve. About what? About ideas, society, philosophy, joy, good and bad times, the future, learning, empathy, compassion, passion, work, home, finding yourself and, as Douglas Adams in his science fiction trilogy Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy puts it, Life, the Universe and Everything.

The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy

Last year I did a 30 days writing challenge, inspired by Alex Barrera. In 2014 I did a 100 happy days project on Instagram. Gotta up my game, I thought to myself.

Of course, writing will not be the only thing I’ll do in these 100 days before 2018. I’ll still work as usual. I’ll start a few new projects I’ve been working on with my colleagues for the past months. I’ll try to have more fun. I’ll go out more. I’ll attend more cultural events. I will put more effort to experience good things, as life should be. Above all, I will not panic. Even if on a particular day I haven’t written anything yet and it’s already 5 minutes till midnight.

So, this is the 1st one. 99 more are coming.

