How to be alone better

Matjaž Šircelj
100 Days of Writing Challenge
2 min readOct 14, 2017

There’s a difference between Being alone and being Alone.

One is about Being and the other is about Alone.

One is about being Present and the other being Away.

The first way is about immersing yourself in the joy of the moment you live with yourself and by yourself. The other is about missing others, feeling lonely and about suffering without human contact.

Modern society considers loners as weird, sick and on the edge of society norms. Ancient society encouraged alone times for reflection on your being.

I like being alone sometimes. Regularly, actually. Although I am a social being, who likes spending times with friends, family and coworkers, my alone time allows me to ponder on the world, on a society, spending time in nature as a live part of the nature and focusing on my thoughts, looking for answers or just enjoying the moment, here and now.

There are also some activities that can be better if you’re alone. Like going in the movies. You really don’t need anybody besides you to chat while you’re embracing the story of that movie. Of source, dates don’t count, but the movies story there really isn’t the primary objective, right?

Walking in nature, by the river, in the woods or anywhere for that matter, is also something that helps you think, relax, wander and wonder. Again, if you do it with somebody, you can enjoy together and that moment is about sharing experience of that time and place.

Meditation, reading, praying and anything that requires you to focus, or just letting go of anything worldly at that point. Just you, yourself and your higher self.

I would not count scrolling through you social media feed alone time. Sure, you can do it alone, but are you really alone? Are you really connecting with yourself at that point or are you trying to escape yourself? Do you feel content while reading media and your friends post or does that makes you even more anxious?

Spending your time alone is undervalued. It is the only time you are able to stop the time, getting lost in space of everything and beyond.

Spend time alone more. Dedicate your time to different activities. Block some time for social media, of course, for news, for reading and sport. But don’t forget to make time reservation for being with you most sincere inner self.

This post is number 22 of my 100 Days of Writing Challenge.

