Knowledge is good.

Matjaž Šircelj
100 Days of Writing Challenge
2 min readNov 2, 2017

Curiosity drives a lot of my activities, both business and personal. I get interested in a topic, I research, I think about it, dream about it, try to understand it and explain it.

Sometimes it’s not easy to pursue an idea when others are against it. Most of the times, new ideas, or at least great ideas, are first not so popular and even despised. But to someone who is knowledge thirsty, this shouldn’t matter.

“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don’t matter, and those who matter don’t mind.”

― Bernard M. Baruch

And sometimes, somebody who clearly knows better on the subject than I do, and I respect that person, shatters my perspective of the topic and I’m stuck in a limbo. Should I proceed with that subject or not? Should I research it more or should I abandon it? Should I make something out of it or should I just delete my browser history, delete my notes, my favorite links and start with a clean slate?

Knowledge is always good. As long it’s the truth. Striving for the truth is of course the responsibility of anyone curious to become wise on the subject, maybe an expert, entrepreneur or whatever s/he wishes.

So, yes, I’ll proceed, I’ll research more, I’ll try to find our everything there is to know about the subject. Why? Because it awoke the geek in me, because time flies when I’m studying, because I feel good about learning.

Knowledge is power, they say. Knowledge is good, I say.

This is day number 41 of my 100 Days of Writing Challenge.

