Live with balance.

Matjaž Šircelj
100 Days of Writing Challenge
2 min readOct 13, 2017

Think what you’re curious about. Think about everything you ever tried. Think about you ex-es. Think about your travels. All those parties. That times when you felt happy, undefeatable and forever young.

Deep behind that thinking and memories are your values. What are you curious about. Hidden talents, skills you’d like to posses. Values you cherish in yourself and others. Cultures you like, what social engagement makes you feel good. All the good sides of you, features you’re proud of, medals you wear.

Now think about people you don’t like. Arguments you lost with them and what made you hate them at that moment. Think of all the mistakes you’ve made. That times you were angry at yourself. That time you punched the door in rage. When you cried out loud. When you wanted to run away and never come back. When you felt lonely, surrounded by people close to you.

Shadows in these dark caves are your mirrors. They’re ugly sometimes. But they reflect your darker side, your nightmares, your worst character features. They contain your fears, the places you never want to visit. But they are there. They will always be there.

“Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving.” — Albert Einstein

Your values, talents, passions and skills are your strengths. Put them in good use. Work on them even harder. Connect them with other people and cooperate on a worthwhile causes with them. Your strengths are you gifts. Use them!

On the other hand, don’t be afraid of your weaknesses. They are the dark side of your coin. They make you whole. The are the things that balance your strengths. They are reminders, where you need work, where you need to stop and reflect, where you need to pay attention and give yourself more love and compassion.

When you embrace your strengths and weaknesses, you love yourself as a whole. Don’t just love the good in you. Love everything. Show the light. Shine on your dark. Don’t give up if today dark prevails. Light a match and try again. Tomorrow is always another day!

This post is 21st of my 100 Days of Writing Challenge.

