
Matjaž Šircelj
100 Days of Writing Challenge
1 min readOct 26, 2017

In order to get something we want, we say “Yes” to many things. To the job that seems all right and pays well. To a date that actually isn’t, but maybe has potential. To a coworker when s/he asks us to stay another hour at work to do what essentially isn’t our job. To a friend, who doesn’t want to go alone for a coffee and s/he needs a company.

How about saying “No”?

Too often a “No” would get us more rest, more sleep, more peaceful moments, more respect, more time for ourselves and our families, more clarity and more opportunity to be what we are instead of faking our lives.

So next time your auto response it: “Yes”, try asking yourself Why. Why do you need to say Yes? Is it because you're afraid to insult somebody? Afraid to let down somebody? Afraid to lose your job?

Or you’re just afraid to say “No” to others and saying “Yes” to the one person who you should love, respect and care for the most in the first place? Saying Yes to yourself?

Say “No” more often.

This is day number 34 of my 100 Days of Writing Challenge.

