Old Passion Awakenes

Matjaž Šircelj
100 Days of Writing Challenge
1 min readDec 21, 2017

I was reading a blog from one of my favorite photographer Arne Hodalic, with whom I had the pleasure of traveling with on some interesting and distant places in the world, like Beijing, Montenegro and Istanbul. He wrote a short and basic review about the new Nikon camera D850.

Memories came back. I had a Nikon D70, bought it in 2003 and made some awesome photos on my sailing and other travel adventures.

I realize more and more that photography was one of my most intense passions. It began when I was a kid, continued when I bought my first analogue SLR camera, continued with Digital SLR, packed a backup digital camera and took a looot of pictures. I even remember the times when I had to wait for the pictures to be developed and got hundreds of them. Thousands.

Today we have Instagram. I hate it :). Not as a product, it’s nice, lots of beautiful pictures and people… But I don’t consider Instagram as photography. I consider it as a branding and communication tool. Real photography is still done by cameras with lenses.

So, as a title suggests, photography is again following me in my desires. And for 2018, one of the things I plan to do more, is travel, write and take pictures. All over the world, well, at least anywhere, where I can discover something that lights my soul on fire and burns into the creativity.

