Regret is the opposite of acceptance.

Matjaž Šircelj
100 Days of Writing Challenge
1 min readOct 24, 2017

The past already happened. It is finite. It is “one plus one makes two”. We can accept that and learn from that. We can base that for our future learning. We can accept our mistakes and learn from them.

Or we can regret the past and in this case, not only we don’t or cannot accept the past, but we are actually lying to ourselves about the past. This way we cannot learn. We are also haunted by our past. We cannot live in the now and for the future. We are stuck in the past.

Nostalgia is a golden cage for those who are afraid of the future.

Nostalgia, as beautiful as it seems sometimes, is often an example of being stuck in the past. It is one thing to be reminded of some good times and memories, to be thankful for them and even to learn from that times. But it is completely another thing if we live in the time bubble of that nostalgia. Living in nostalgia also means not living at all in the real now and here. It also means not growing up, accepting responsibility and going forward to the freedom of now and the future.

“Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow.” — Albert Einstein

Today the day number 32 of my 100 Days of Writing Challenge.

