RTW on a bucket list

Matjaž Šircelj
100 Days of Writing Challenge
1 min readDec 8, 2017

Round the world travel. That’s it. I want to go around the world. I want to travel. Breathe the air of the world and hug the faces of different cultures. I need to rest my soul, open it up to the energy of road, roaring air and handshake the globe.


  • When: 2018 (hopes and prayers, fingers crossed)
  • Where: map below (or something like that)
  • How much money: rtw ticket up to 5,000€, the rest to-be-calculated. A full year could go up to 20k, but I would like to travel for at least 2 months.
  • Alone? Yes.
  • What about work? I’ll still freelance, probably less, or still maintain some projects I’m on right now and can be done online from anywhere. I’ll also put a website, where I’ll write, photo and accept donations (paypal/crypto). Patreon also comes to mind.
  • What if? Ill cross that bridge when I get there.
  • When exactly? Don’t know yet, have to figure out best months to start. Exploring mode on.

