Simple life, well balanced.

Matjaž Šircelj
100 Days of Writing Challenge
1 min readNov 28, 2017

There will always be something or someone better than you. But, my god, how hard is this to admit.

My aunt was looking for a holiday present for my niece, and she got a small package of a toy my niece wished for. And my aunt wasn’t satisfied with her purchase, because it appeared as a small gift. But as I told her, there will always be a bigger gift left unbought, so why is this gift “too small”?

It really doesn’t make sense, this greed of ours, always to be/get/want more/better, faster.

Well, it actually does make sense. If we are not internally content, or satisfied, we will always want external things to make us happy.

On the other hand, if we live a well lived life, material things dont matter so much, they are more as means, not the ends, not the goals.

As human beings we really don’t need much to survive. We don’t need much to be happy.

As I’m learning the past years, at the end, good relationships, health and a good work balance do the trick. Simple. Simple life, well balanced.

Why is it then so hard for most of people?

