Unhate the Monday

Matjaž Šircelj
100 Days of Writing Challenge
2 min readOct 2, 2017

When I was growing up, Sunday evenings were all about preparing for a week ahead. Packing everything for school, choosing clothes, checking calendar for school and extracurricular activities, and above all, appreciating last moments of weekend and mentally opening up for new responsibilities in the coming week. I liked school, I liked to learn and spending time with my classmates. Hating Mondays was never on the table.

Viktor Frankl probably didn’t hate Mondays. He had all the rights to hate everything and everybody else. But, he didn’t. He accepted the responsibility and he was hopeful.

So why do we hate Mondays? Let’s take a look in the mirror. Asking ourselves, where are we today? Where do we want to be? It’s not about the Mondays, right?

Let’s change our perspective to change our life.

Can we? Do we feel fulfilled at our work? Does our work really reflect our values and contribution? When was the last time we could say we love our job?

Recognize the reasons for hating Mondays and search for solutions. And what might be some of the reasons for “damn Monday again”?

  • Your job doesn’t interest you.
  • Your talents aren’t put to good use at your job. You don’t even know your talents.
  • Your job feels like on the couch, but without the relaxation.
  • Long time ago you said to yourself it is ok. Life is what it is.
  • Your coworkers have very different values.
  • Your boss doesn’t respect you.
  • It’s too easy. There’s no challenge.

I’m sure you can find more good reasons to change something about your Mondays.

The question is, are you willing to change yourself?

This post is part 10. of my 100 Days of Writing Challenge.

