Waiting is the ultimate waste of time.

Matjaž Šircelj
100 Days of Writing Challenge
1 min readNov 16, 2017

I hate waiting. Waiting in lines, waiting for somebody to arrive, waiting for something to happen.

Waiting makes me anxious. I know I could do something more useful in the meantime.

Waiting makes good things missing us. Waiting is basically missing out all the good opportunities.

Waiting means you don’t listen to intuition. We wait for someone or some event to affirm our hunches. So we wait and miss.

Waiting is like expecting to wake up without opening our eyes. It’s like visit foreign places without travel. Getting somewhere without going.

Waiting is fear. Fear of something bad might happen. But it almost never does. It only leaves us empty and dry on the outskirts of success.

Waiting is passively sitting on a bus towards death.

Freddie Mercury — Time (waits for nobody)

This is day 55 of my 100 Days of Writing Challenge.

