We give up long before we die

Matjaž Šircelj
100 Days of Writing Challenge
3 min readOct 8, 2017

Ever had that feeling you’re rowing a boat and realizing it’s just floating on a lake? And you know the size of the lake, what’s the water like, how to get on the shore and how long it takes you from one side to the other?

It’s called life in a rut. I have that feeling sometimes for the past few years. And I’m not the only one. I see and talk to my friends, I occasionally even ask people who are just acquaintances, what’s their life like, if they’re alright and pleased with the direction of their life. I don’t get responses filled with passion and awe. They’re usually just “ok”, or “not that bad”, or “could be worse”…

So, why do we just walk around without being aware, without striving for some better options, trying something new or exciting?

Because of fear. We have our comfortable lives, our comfortable pay checks that care for the basics, we have our quiet routine… So, who in the right mind would put at risk all these peaceful little lives, just to try and very likely fail anything else? The answers is simple. It’s Humans. Alive, well and awaken humans. People who are exploring and developing their lives, their character, their soul and brains, people who want to contribute, who want to be a useful part of the world, not just a cog in the system.

The other thing is that we’re spoiled. We really don’t have to fight for our lives, there’s mostly peace around us, our biggest challenges are when our phones have only 20% of battery left. So we stop evolving. We stop learning. We stop caring. We start procrastinating. We start dying.

We are also lazy. I admit, I am too and I understand why we shouldn’t bother if we really don’t need anything urgent, like fighting for our lives on a war field. That doesn’t mean we should stop fighting for a more meaningful life. But, it’s easier. It’s easier to just not give a f*ck. It’s easier to give up. We give up long before we die.

The horror story of our lives is that we give up long before we die.

And that makes us living dead. Stories about zombies were probably written because the authors saw people just passing by, with no heartbeat.

Do you want to be a zombie or a person who wants to contribute to society? Do you want to spend your life on a hamster wheel or do you want to be a useful member? Do you want to be a living dead or a live, thriving person?

If you’re at least a bit curious and concerned about your future and how good it can be, learn, ask, read, write, show up, shout, sing and above all, don’t give up and die inside years before you’re really dead.

Memento mori (Latin: “remember that you have to die”) https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Memento_mori

This post is part 16. of my 100 Days of Writing Challenge.

