We stopped caring. Now we have to step off the hamster wheel.

Matjaž Šircelj
100 Days of Writing Challenge
2 min readNov 1, 2017

Has the world gone bad because we forgot to see the good in it, or did we stop seeing the good because the world has gone bad?

The story of chicken and egg… what was first? I think that our own feelings come first. Our responsibility, our attitude to the world.

After all the technological and internet innovation and all the “magic” of social media, we became numb. Spoiled in our expectations that all is great and everything will be served to us on the silver platter. Comfortable in our own filter bubbles of information, that just confirmed our own opinions without challenging us to think different, to act different.

We stopped trying to be decent. We stopped educating our young ones about good old human values of respect, honor, being kind and nice. We stopped because we lost that in ourselves. In a race for better cars, bigger houses, nicer clothes and all the materialistic goals. We stopped caring.

Solutions? Stepping off the hamster wheel for a while and reflect. Doing small acts of kindness. Making tea for friends. Sharing a meal. Taking time off our phones and dedicate that time for people we love.

This is day number 40 of my 100 Days of Writing Challenge.

