What are you looking for?

Matjaž Šircelj
100 Days of Writing Challenge
1 min readDec 22, 2017

There’s a movie line a saw recently that got me thinking. So simple, yet so elusive, so hard to answer.

“Everyone here is searching for something. What are you looking for?”

For me it’s a few things, I think. For one, I’m not even sure what is The thing. Maybe I’ll know when I’m old.

For now I could say it’s sort of freedom, independence, ability to create, express, participate, doing something worthwhile, interesting, meeting cool and smart people, having some fun, gaining knowledge, understanding the world…

On the other hand, sometimes it’s exactly the opposite. To give in, to relax and not care too much, to conform, go with the rest and get lost in the crowd, even for the sake of morals and virtues, even in ignorance, as long as it’s not hard.

And I realize how much I despise the second answer. I hate ignorance. I hate being pushed into conformity, to obey because others do. I hate not caring about the world and it makes me sick how much people are happy with just strolling on their hamster wheel and numbing in their bubble.

How easy they give up their freedom.

Don’t give up what you’re looking for.

