Which horse are you riding?

Matjaž Šircelj
100 Days of Writing Challenge
2 min readDec 7, 2017

Remember those big mistakes you made? All those runaway’s you took? All those “no”s you choose?

What were they driven by?

Was it ego? Insecurity? Fear?

What kind of fear was it? Fear of success? Commitment?

Long time ago I was reading about Plato’s chariot. The allegory has an extensive explanation and deeper meanings, but for my thinking here I’ll simplify by my own words. It’s about a chariot driver, and a black and a white winged horse. About us, our core self and about our motives and passions that pull us. Some passions are noble, take us places, have good intentions and they usually bring us success in whichever adventure we take. That was the white horse.

The other one is a black horse. Wild, untamed, raw in a pursuit of best life can offer. This is also the one that gets us in trouble. It steers us away from our useful goals, our focus and life that is best for us.

In this hectic world it’s becoming increasingly important to know which passion drivers us. What kind of goal we are pursing. What is really good for us, good for our life, social circle and future.

Sometimes we are caught in a moment of anxiety. What to do at that point? Stop. Step back. Breath deeply. Inhale. Exhale. Meditate. Reflect. Do a full circle where you are and how did you get here. What caused your anxiety? It’s never that external factor, that’s just a trigger. It’s always the horse you’re riding. Are you riding a horse that represents your ego or a horse that represents your true self, your honest values and goals?

Inspired by the “What Is a Man? The Allegory of the Chariot” https://www.artofmanliness.com/2013/03/04/what-is-a-man-the-allegory-of-the-chariot/

