Only 8.7%

My letter to Sen. Rob Portman, Sen. Sherrod Brown and Rep. Mike Turner regarding the 2017 increase to my health insurance premiums.

Gérard Mclean
100 Letters to Senator Hillary Clinton
2 min readFeb 6, 2017


Dear Ohio Representatives;

My name is Gerard McLean. I reside in Englewood (Dayton), Ohio 45322. During the 2016 election campaign, I wrote writing daily letters to Hillary Clinton regarding the ACA and my own health insurance. I wrote them to Hillary, but they were also directed to you as lawmakers to heads you up on the direction you have taken us with health care policy and legislation. (The letters are now in a book available on Amazon and at

My grandfathered health plan from Anthem Blue Cross/Blue Shield renews every April 1st. On Saturday, I received my renewal letter and my premiums only went up 8.7% Last year, it was 29% so I guess I should be grateful.

But I’m not. That 8.7% is like adding another full cable bill to my monthly budget as my premiums were already 3X my mortgage and 2X my housing cost with homeowners insurance and property taxes. I don’t know what I’m going to cut from my home budget as I have already cut out newspapers, premium cable channels, mifi, and my thermostat is set at 65 degrees. I’m eating about four meals a week and buying bulk. My entertainment budget has also been nixed.

I am EMPHATICALLY against repealing the ACA without a replacement that covers me and my family with the same or better coverage and lowers my costs. More specifically, I champion SinglePayer, UniversalCare, MedicareForAll. As lawmakers, your job is not to simply cut costs but to figure out how to provide hassle-free, accessible and affordable health care for everyone residing within the borders of the United States of America.

It’s a hard job, but that is what you were elected to do. Anyone can cut costs, but few of us can figure out how to deliver quality services within budget.

Do that. Sooner than later; I’m running out of money and runway.


Gerard McLean
Ohio Resident
Citizen of the United States of America

PS Don’t reply with a form letter or a position statement about why I am wrong. That would be doing it wrong. Thanks.



Gérard Mclean
100 Letters to Senator Hillary Clinton

Picking my brain will cost you a fortune. No discounts. Author; Monkey with a Loaded Typewriter @rivershark @gerardmclean everywhere.