SPAN Ohio Conference

Gérard Mclean
100 Letters to Senator Hillary Clinton
3 min readApr 18, 2017


Earlier this month, I was pleasantly surprised to find this tweet in my timeline. So, I’m going to the SPAN Ohio Conference. You should too if you are in Ohio and care about #SinglePayer #MedicareForAll. The following is a press release. Is that allowed on Medium?



Englewood, Ohio, April 17, 2017 — Gerard McLean’s book Dear Hillary: 100 Letters About Health Care will be offered free to all attendees of SPAN Ohio’s Annual State Conference on April 29, 2017 as part of their registration.

SPAN Ohio’s 14th Annual State Conference will take place in Columbus, Ohio, on Saturday, April 29th, from 10 a.m. until 4 p.m. at the Quest Business & Conference Center at 8405 Pulsar Place. All attendees will receive Gerard McLean’s book Dear Hillary: 100 Letters About Health Care, published by SharktoothPress. The author will be in attendance that day to sign books in the event that anyone would request it.

The book is a natural choice for the organizers given the mission statement of the Single Payer Action Network Ohio (SPAN Ohio): Its aim is “to educate the citizens and legislators of Ohio to the need and advocate for a fundamental change in our healthcare system so that all residents have affordable access to healthcare through a publicly funded, privately delivered comprehensive system that fulfills the basic human right to health care.”

Debbie Silverstein, the organization’s state director, notes that finding McLean’s book renewed her determination to keep the organization’s endeavors strong. Barbara Walden, SPAN Ohio’s treasurer, adds, “I was attracted to McLean’s book by the concept — 100 letters to Hillary? I was pleased to discover that the book is not a compendium of mean-spirited rants, but poignant and personal, and sometimes funny, accounts of all the ways our health care system is failing us. As I read, I kept thinking, ‘I must share this with others.’ Who better than our Conference attendees? Presumably they’re coming to learn something, and there’s plenty to learn within these pages. I can’t think of a more appropriate book for our organization — everything in it justifies our existence and our goal. It is my hope that everyone who reads it will feel the same way.”

About Gerard McLean
Gerard Mclean is an essayist and an author, his work spanning styles from humor writing to general non-fiction. Exercising his wit both in print and through his inimitable talent at tweeting, he has proven his lively intellect is primed for whatever political or cultural issue arises. The small business owner who moved from Minnesota to Ohio in 1991, is the father of two adult kids, both of whom were raised and educated in Ohio. He is an avid chronicler of life who is intent upon leaving a legacy to the world in the stories he identifies as being meaningful in some way.

About SharktoothPress
SharktoothPress is a micro-imprint that affords potential authors outside the mainstream the opportunity to publish print titles and e-books. The aim of SharktoothPress is to help individuals who have stories to tell hone and realize legacy pieces that will live on into the future. SharktoothPress is a strategic alliance between Rivershark Inc and Adroyt, LLC, headquartered at 86 Henry St. Kingston, NY 12401. Contact Saxon Henry, for further information.



Gérard Mclean
100 Letters to Senator Hillary Clinton

Picking my brain will cost you a fortune. No discounts. Author; Monkey with a Loaded Typewriter @rivershark @gerardmclean everywhere.