Publication Submission Guidelines

Jordan Aspen
100 Meaningful Words
2 min readSep 6, 2019


This 100 Meaningful Words project began with a challenge to myself to begin writing every day again. Drafting one hundred words daily was more than attainable and capping my word count helped me further develop my editing skills. For the entire month of August 2019 I published 100 meaningful words every day.

Now I invite you to join me.

Use this as an opportunity to build your own writing habit. Each day write and refine a piece 98–103 words long including the title. Focus on making it meaningful — something that will make someone’s life better:

  • teach something with a mini-tutorial
  • celebrate someone else with a 100-word bio
  • capture an emotion that will help someone feel less alone

When you have five pieces you are proud of and want to share with this publication, email the draft links to me at with the subject line 100 Meaningful Words submission. Expect to hear from one of our editors within 2–3 business days.

Once we approve you as a writer for this publication you may submit drafts as you write them.

The essence of 100 Meaningful Words is to write something that impacts one person’s life, so don’t feel that you must write broadly or appeal to everyone. Have someone in…



Jordan Aspen
100 Meaningful Words

Community Manager at Find Business Community 💑 Wife 👧👦👧👶 Mama 👩‍💻 Entrepreneur✍️