jana m. perkins
100 Mindful Days
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1 min readAug 3, 2016


Mindful Moments: A Weekly Subscription from Jana Marie

Dear friends,

Although 100 Mindful Days was completed on August 3, 2016, new posts are still being written.

If you’d like to continue reading them, you can now become part of the Mindful Moments community by purchasing a subscription.

For as long as you’re subscribed, you’ll find one brand new, exclusive post in your inbox every week. These new posts could be about anything and everything, but they will all continue to be tied together under the broader subject of mindfulness.

I wanted to keep this announcement short, though, so that’s all I’ll say about it here. You can visit gum.co/moments to learn more and subscribe.

Waving from my desk,

- J 💛



jana m. perkins
100 Mindful Days

founder, Women of Letters | computational social scientist writing a book for Routledge