85 — Shiomi-dake 3047 m

30 June 2022

Startpoint: Kita-dake hut

Endpoint: unmanned hut, the end point of the day after which you see on the map in this post, was at the car at the last bus stop to get into the Minami Alps

Distance covered: 18.3 km

Time: 9h 38

Vertical gain/descent: 713 m (this was on the way down from the unmanned hut over Notori-dake)

Weather & Visibility: clear and sunny

Good For: remoteness, wildlife, surrounded by mountains in all directions

I was mostly alone wandering in this beautiful area surrounded by mountains. It was my second time to meet a Japanese serow, and again we had a little staring contest. After a bit of a stare, the serow left the path and hopped into the valley. The ease of movement was so lovely to see.

the route down after the day Shiomi was climbed (for Shiomi-dake see Ai-no-dake)



Ann van den Borne
100 Mountains of Japan

I’m Ann, an international Physical & Outdoor Ed teacher, climbing the famous 100 mountains of Japan.