[058] — For my own amusement

Jet Ska
100 Naked Words
Published in
1 min readFeb 22, 2017

I made it back to the gym last night. I took it easy and my ankle held up pretty well. I snuck out just before the Monday circuit class finished so that I would get the showers and change rooms to myself.

Had a lovely warm shower, the facilities in my building are excellent now they have been refurbished. I got dressed and went out to the benches in the middle of the main area to put on my shoes.

I pulled my clean socks out of my bag, they were inside out. I pulled the first one the right way out and, bam, a cubic metre of dog hair flew out of the toe section. It drifted across the floor and I giggled. The cleaners are going to wonder what kind of animal was killed in here. The second sock was the same.

I wonder if anyone noticed.



Jet Ska
100 Naked Words

writer of; flash fiction, relationship advice, agony aunt columns & poetry