[079] — Never shop whilst hungry…

Jet Ska
100 Naked Words
Published in
2 min readMar 25, 2017

I think this is a piece of ‘weight loss cult wisdom’ but I am not 100% sure where to attribute this advice. I have found myself repeating it in the aisles of the grocery store whilst staring down a display of chocolate bars, my stomach so empty it is attempting to consume itself.

I found myself wondering last night if this axiom could be modified and applied to different types of shopping.

“Never couch shop while exhausted.”

Every couch I sat on felt comfortable. My body just spread itself out over the cushions, melding with the soft resting place. The sales guy at Harvey Norman smirked as he saw me with my eyes half closed.

Not being able to determine the best couch by feel, my tests were as follows:

Check that no sales people are watching and stretch out on it full length. Do I fit? Would someone slightly taller than me fit (got to plan ahead)?

Check no one is watching and scratch at the fabric with my ‘claws’ like the greyhounds do. The prettiest couch that I really wanted marked badly with a tiny bit of scratching. I ruled it out.

Check that it comes in dark colours (did I mention, dogs?)

Does it have ‘legs’ that hold it off the floor so I can vacuum underneath it easily?

Prioritise ‘corner’ units over a 3 and 2 seater set (every soft space is utilised, again, dogs)

Check the price tag.

I paid no attention to warranties because, going by my last couch experience, it’s going to get trashed in a couple of years regardless.

I had a time limit as well, I was fading fast. I decided pretty quickly and organised one to be delivered next Friday for under a thousand bucks. I thought I did OK since some of the other couches I really liked were $600 or $700 more.

Another step towards my new house becoming actually furnished. Check!



Jet Ska
100 Naked Words

writer of; flash fiction, relationship advice, agony aunt columns & poetry