[092] — Do you know the Wolverine?

Jet Ska
100 Naked Words
Published in
1 min readApr 9, 2017

He is portrayed carrying the heavy load of guilt over his past actions, coping by smoking and drinking.

He is ultimately self-destructive, and yet almost immortal. There are very few things that can kill him, but he knows what they are, and he thinks about them often.

The thing about Wolverine, though, is that he sticks around. He’s loyal and he will do anything for those who he is close to. He won’t end it all because he knows he has a job to do. He has kin to look after.

When I look into the eyes of the Wolverine, I see a trapped animal, but I see strength, loyalty and humanity as well.

He’s just trying to survive. It’s a beautiful fight.



Jet Ska
100 Naked Words

writer of; flash fiction, relationship advice, agony aunt columns & poetry