100 Naked Words — Day 1

Reflections, Ripples and Ramblings of a Restless Mind

Aarish Shah
100 Naked Words
3 min readJan 12, 2017


Photo Credit — Me! Lido Di Camaiore, Tuscany

My exchanges with myself have become more frequent of late. Discourse on my ego, my self worth and my nature abound. Questions fly across the page with not just wild, but rather visceral abandon. The answers, unfortunately don’t come quite as easily — but that’s the point I guess.

What seems to be playing on my mind-strings more than anything is where I want to focus my energies as I move forward. I have a great life, a wife and two daughters who don’t just love me, they put up with me, they forgive me my stupidities (almost) unthinkingly; I work with intelligent, thoughtful and passionate people, I live in one of the most incredibly diverse, ancient, and modern cities on the planet, I travel frequently and encounter all manner of interesting places and people as I stumble onto their paths or they cross mine.

But all of this, whilst seemingly ideal, does not satisfy all of me, for the parts of me that read under the covers with a torch, or that recited Spanish poetry in competitions, the thesp in me — they all want more, they can give more.

And so I listened.

There are two things that I enjoy doing every day. That I want to get better at; every day. Two things that play on my mind at all times, that bring a smile to my countenance, or a frown on my mouth — sometimes both in quick succession — two things that fill the void. They are photography, and writing. I don’t think I’m great at either, but I’m good enough for me. I’m good enough to spend more than just a moment on them, I’m good enough to commit.

So I did.

100 Naked Words gives me the opportunity — no — the obligation to put some words out there, and not just words, bits of who I was or have been, and how I’ve become what I am. No doubt there are things I won’t share, I hardly acknowledge them to myself. But then…

Maybe with time.

And so I hope you join me in seeing where this journey takes me. Whose paths I’ll cross and who may stumble across mine. I hope you’ll be patient as I cast light on areas of my soul that have been obscured, or hidden even, that have clamoured to be seen, to be heard. And hopefully you’ll nod your head in agreement, shake it in anger, muster a smile or two and have a giggle now and then. Maybe you’ll shed a tear.

If nothing else, maybe we’ll get to know each other a bit better.

Just as I am getting to know myself.

Thanks to Johnson Kee for accepting me to contribute!

About me: Citizen of the World. I love writing, photography, travelling, reading, learning and growing. Medium is another journey in my life, let’s see what sights we may see.

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Aarish Shah
100 Naked Words

Generalist | Thinker | Life Long Learner | Writer | Photographer