15. Do the words come to you?

For when you have writer’s block.

Johnson Kee
100 Naked Words
1 min readMay 16, 2016


Every writer — heck, every creative person — gets a block at some time in their career. I don’t know about you, but I know that my best work comes when the words come to me.

It’s hard to explain; one moment, there’s nothing. The next, the words just appear in my head. Do you have a similar experience?

But sometimes, they don’t come. You search for them. They hide. It sounds crazy, but I do think they can hide.

Like a shy deer in a glade, they watch you as you hunt for them. That won’t work.

Try free writing. Write whatever comes to your head. Your stream of thoughts. This reconnects you to your subconscious. Usually works for me, might work for you too.



