15: Sangha

Drew Potter
100 Naked Words
Published in
1 min readJul 11, 2016

Life is not easy. It is decidedly more difficult when a person is an introverted loner, like myself. It has become second nature to suffer in silence.

One of the most important things that I have done for myself is to become part of a sangha, or community. It forces me to not be alone when going through trying times. With sangha, I am allowed to be who I am and there is no judgment. From my sangha, I draw strength.

The most valuable lesson that I learn from being part of a sangha is to better myself so that I can better the community. Every step, every breath, every word that I speak becomes the construct of my community — whether I mean for it to, or not. So, I am forced to be mindful of thought, word, and action.

My community is a gift that helps me to be and continue to become a better person.



Drew Potter
100 Naked Words

Meditation. Yoga. Vegan. Food/Herbs as medicine. Champion of Compassion. Thinker.