15. Step way outside and do anything

100 Naked Words
Published in
2 min readMay 28, 2016

When told my younger brother to try anything, I am sure now, I did not know what it meant.

There are two ways to run your life: you could get lucky and love it with all your life or go down a list and go “Nope. Nnnnope. NOPE!” till you get it.

Employment does that to you. Job hunting gives you an existential crisis. The way out is to pick any door. Step out for a while. This week, father had me as his delivery assistant. I have a new found respect for couriers. My father is the driver and his brain is finding the fastest and best route. I am a mere spectator and by the fifth day, I got restless. My hands and my brains, the tools I am most proud of are not being used. Needless to say, I found a new drive for the job search. There is something I want now. Enough of cancelling on the list. My tools need to see the light.



100 Naked Words

UX Designer, storyteller, lifter; putting words next to each other into analogies. www.instagram.com/andeasyand