17. I’ve been homeless before…

Maya Stormrider
100 Naked Words
Published in
1 min readJul 18, 2016

2010: I transferred to a different university, a semester in, I sold all my belongings and set off on the road. With the amount of necessities on our backs, we hopped on the local bus — 11 hrs, $11 from Seattle, WA to Salem, OR. From Salem we began hitchhiking and hoofing it. You know what got us to get traveling? Depression, suicidal thoughts, and the need to explore before the ever-talked-about 2012 apocalypse that all the prophets talked about. There was a lot of doomsday themes circulating: apocalypse, solar maximum, Earth’s collision with Nibiru, the Mayan’s predictions… that movie, ‘Into the Wild’ made a huge impression on me. So did History 110. (To be continued)



Maya Stormrider
100 Naked Words

Full time mama. Holistic Life Coach. Peeling away layers of the Ego. School of Life Student-Teacher. Blogger. www.blisslovelight.wordpress.com