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17) No One Likes Being Vulnerable

Del Singh
100 Naked Words
Published in
1 min readAug 20, 2017


When you throw yourself out there, you can sometimes feel a cringeworthy sensation of awkwardness and discomfort.

Approaching the opposite sex in a public setting is hard.

She’s way too pretty for me.
I don’t make enough money.
I should’ve worn another shirt.

I’ll just go back to Tinder or Bumble.

Asking for a raise is hard.

Have I done enough to deserve it?
Do I quit if I’m refused the raise?
I should’ve become a doctor.

I’ll wait for the boss to give me a raise.

Writing 100 naked words is hard.

Am I being too transparent?
Does my writing even make sense?
Am I making my feelings too available for people?
My grammar sucks.

I’ll watch Netflix instead.

Professional athletes, business executives and musicians all feel the same feelings as us common folk. Some mask it better than others. A musician that releases an album that’s completely different than their other ones sends a message.

Grow through vulnerability. Someone will catch you if you throw yourself out there.

Check out the numbers below to be part of my journey to 100.

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