17 Trump That!

sam sarmiento
100 Naked Words
Published in
1 min readAug 9, 2016

I’m not an avid viewer of the news. These days my news source is primarily the internet — which should always be taken with more than a grain of salt (“If it’s in the internet, it must be true!). So imagine my surprise when I saw a link of Trump calling my country a terrorist nation, my first thought was “isn’t he building a tower here somewhere?”

I know next to nothing about American politics (I know very little next to nothing about Philippine politics), but is this for real? Do they really have a presidential candidate making these ridiculously offensive statements without any second thought whatsoever? It reminds me of that time when the Philippines had a presidential candidate that vowed to kill all criminals. Oh right, he won — it’s happening. Take care that you don’t trip over that cardboard-labeled body of a suspected drug pusher as you play Pokemon Go!

It’s one insane thing after another. We live in a strange world where stranger things happen. I sometimes wonder, a hundred years from now, when civilization mutates into a specie that has adapted to the mythical ‘global warming’, how would our time appear in history books (or ipads, tablets, uhm… wikipedia?)

As for me, I wanna be the very best, like no one ever was. To catch them all is my real test, to train them is my cause….

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