18. Sorry (Not Sorry)

Violeta Torres
100 Naked Words
Published in
1 min readJan 7, 2017

I have not written 100 words per day since december… and I’m at peace with that. These last few weeks have been total chaos at work, the good kind of chaos.

The kind of chaos that drives you forward, that pushes you to limit you didn’t even know you had, that obligates you to give yourself entirely to what you believe in, what you dream in, that makes you think of nothing more than to achieve the global company goal, that makes you sacrifice weekends, holidays (willingly) to get there.

I know one day it will all be worth it.

..and I will now publicly state that I am a workaholic.

Kind of proud of it.



Violeta Torres
100 Naked Words

// Ingeniera Bioquímica // Biochemical Engineer // Reading- Learning- Writing //