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18) Start Doing Shit

Fail fast. Fail often. Just get back up.

Del Singh
Published in
1 min readAug 23, 2017


The world keeps preventing you from getting started.

Your friends, co-workers, the internet.

How much research can you do before you’re persuaded to start a business? Or even a blog? How much research can you do before you find the argument that validates your idea that it can’t be done?

With freeware, open source, crowdfunding, crowdsourcing,, and everything else I left out, there’s no reason to pursue your dreams.

This is from the Gary Vaynerchuk playbook but if you are just getting started, find some people to give your stuff out for free. I don’t know what form of marketing you want to call this, but by sheer volume, someone will finally pay you. But are you ok with temporarily eating shit? Send samples of your artwork to coffee shops. Give, give, give, give. Start, start, start, start.

It’s not up to everyone else to tell you to begin. It’s up to you.

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