Maya Stormrider
100 Naked Words
Published in
1 min readJul 24, 2016

Where once I felt enslaved to my own conditioning and habitual behaviours, I no longer identify as who I used to be. I read once somewhere that when you surround yourself with people who support your growth and transformation, you are able to actually be on your way to outgrow those old patterns. The more the people around you keep pointing out those old habits, to say that the habits will always remain — Your mind recalls the old habits and the vicious cycle continues. I was saying this to my partner when we were in an argument. He kept pointing out who I used to be. He also kept bringing up old fights, previous direction our arguments would spiral into. How I would react. And I said to him, “How am I supposed to change if you keep pointing out who I don’t want to be anymore?” From that day, he stopped. I evolved. And we really haven’t had big fights since. It’s amazing what happens when both sides are supportive and encouraging — emotionally, verbally, and spiritually. I could get used to this.



Maya Stormrider
100 Naked Words

Full time mama. Holistic Life Coach. Peeling away layers of the Ego. School of Life Student-Teacher. Blogger. www.blisslovelight.wordpress.com