2. The average of 5

Matt Gardan
100 Naked Words
Published in
1 min readOct 10, 2016

We’ve all heard this.

but how many of us really really put it to practice, every day?

I caught up with a guy recently, who I don’t see very often. We had an AMAZING night, deep conversation that stretched my soul and pushed my thinking. I left feeling uplifted, good about myself and ready to take on the world.

It struck us that we don’t spend enough time together he & I. How is it I can waste time with other people instead of this man, who is a fantastic influence on me?

Who are the 5 you REALLY spend time with, and who are the 5 you OUGHT to spend time with? Start adjusting your team so they uplift you — all day long.

Share your dreams with them, ask for theirs. Be inspired by their courage, their bravery, their vision, their joy. Seek that shit out like a crack addict!

Those people are the ones to surround you. Trust me, it’s worth it.



Matt Gardan
100 Naked Words

Dreamer, Creative, Solo-Daddy. My words are slowing coming to me…