20 Rainy Day Blues

sam sarmiento
100 Naked Words
Published in
2 min readAug 13, 2016

It’s been raining for almost a week now. Everyday, for the past 5 days, there is rain. We get 5 minute patches of sunlight piercing through the moving clouds heavy with the next few hours addition to the already soaked streets of the metro.

I love the rain… But its a conditional kind of love, a love only felt when I am home safe and warm, cuddled up with a blanket and a cup of coffee. It’s hard to love the rain when you’re buffeted by it from all directions despite your haggard-looking umbrella and supposedly water-proof jacket. It seeps into the soles of your shoes with every careful step on the constantly wet pavement. You could scarcely avoid being wet and this is only amplified by the chill in your workplace that is required to be air conditioned. I hung out at the rest room when I came in the office, warming myself on the hand dryer, at that moment I realized, no matter how much beautiful snow looks, I will never survive winter.

But there is also something deeply moving and beautiful about the rain. Like how it feels like the earth is being cleansed. I feel like weather is some sort of kid apologizing for giving us endless days of heat and sun a few months ago by drowning us in this much rain just to balance it out. The pitter-patter of each drop on a tin roof is a soundtrack of cancelled school days, of entire days just hanging out and bonding with your family, of warm soups and warmer hugs. Thank God it’s just rain. Typhoon season is right up.

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