26) Trick or Trump?

Paul S Markle
100 Naked Words
Published in
1 min readNov 2, 2017
Photo by delfi de la Rua on Unsplash.

I’m not one who typically speaks publicly about politics, regardless of perspective whether right, left, or middle. I try to think with an independent mind, yet am nursing a mean case of…

The Apolitical Blues

I look at our government with no specific political agenda other than for the people-all of them. Given the chaos of this past presidential election, I found no enthusiasm about any of the candidates.

But I have to say to say if a trick-or-treater came to my door in a Donald Trump mask or outfit…

I would go for the trick unless of course it was really Alec Baldwin doing his excellent Trump impersonation on SNL… and come to think of it, would opt for the trick with him as well.



Paul S Markle
100 Naked Words

Wordsmith Apprentice studying under this collective community genius. Writer of fiction, poetry, etc. Former head shrinker, current equine coach…