28) The things that make me chuckle

Eric Turner
100 Naked Words
Published in
2 min readApr 21, 2017
  • Elderly people looking at smart-phones (they tilt their head back and try to look under their glasses while squinting — it’s hilarious to me)
  • People that say “no thanks” to McDonald’s with this rationale: “I’m just having subway today — going to start eating healthy”, not realizing that Subway is basically just as bad as other fast foods because they eat the whole foot-long with a bag of chips and a pop.
  • People that listen to music “for the lyrics” and then proceed to listen to artists like Lil Wayne on repeat. Have you actually read some of those lyrics?
  • Significant others that tell you to pick where to eat, stating that they are “game for anything”, only to shoot down the next three places that you propose.
  • People that take selfies and are clearly looking at the wrong “lens”.
  • Birthdays — because we literally celebrate not dying.
  • People that like their pets more than they like other people. They are probably going to die some day soon, ya know.

Those are some of the things that make me chuckle.

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Eric Turner
100 Naked Words

Husband. Father. Friend. Social Worker. Life is messy. Come along for the ride! Also, check out Medium membership! https://medium.com/@eturn102/membership