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3) Stop Being a Millennial

Del Singh
100 Naked Words
Published in
1 min readAug 2, 2017


My sister yelled this at me as I was telling her I want a career with passion and excitement. The same passion and excitement on a Monday morning, Friday afternoon, and Sunday night.

By the way, I’m 33 and am barely a millennial. I took her statement as a compliment.

What I’m asking for is not unreasonable. Many in the workforce are “living the dream.” They’re doing what they love and getting paid to do it. Why is it unreasonable for me to want the same thing?

I’m not saying I want to make $1 million a year in passive income while traveling the world. I’m ready to work. I want to work. But I don’t want to work for nothing. My millennial brethren want the same as well. Do people not understand this?

It all comes down to something simple. I just want a job I like.

See what you missed in my past posts. It’ll take one minute of your time.


