30. Punctuality

Mike Seilback
100 Naked Words
Published in
1 min readSep 9, 2016




happening or doing something at the agreed or proper time; on time.

Why is it so difficult for some people to be on-time? If you have an obligation to be somewhere, get there. I am not talking about the occasional mishap or emergency that comes up — I am talking about the people who are perennially late. My wife happens to be one of these people but today, she is not the object of my venom.

The events that led to today’s anger are trivial — but their lateness led to my own lateness and, once again, no remorse.

Someone who is always late (without good reason) selfishly believes that their time is more valuable than those who are left waiting. For me, I do not care if you are early — but just be punctual (or let me know if you are running late).




Mike Seilback
100 Naked Words

Proud hubby & dad; Mets NY Jets Knicks Islanders fan; lung health advocate; news, sports, politics & communications junkie