33. All-Stars

Sean Devlin
100 Naked Words
Published in
1 min readJul 14, 2016

I just got home from the all star game, and it’s been probably one of my favorite events I’ve attended to date.

The entire vibe was so different from every other game.

The players just looked like they were having so much fun. The fans were all having an utter blast. The whole city had this vibrance to it that I haven’t seen before.

It’s hard to describe. It was like, since it wasn’t this arbitrary “us vs them”, it wasn’t the Padres vs Giants, everyone just got to hang out and smash beers and enjoy the sport.

One of my favorite moments was while I was waiting in line for a beer during the 6th inning where this Dodgers fan walks up to me (a Padres fan) and the girl I was talking to and says, “That’s a sweet Red Sox tee.”

“…and that’s something I never thought I’d ever say. Ever.”

It was a really cool moment to step back on something that you didn’t realize you were so competive about, something that you had such strong feelings about, and just enjoy the game.

I think that’s been my most recurring lesson as of recent — to take the time to enjoy things for what they are. Don’t get so wrapped up in the details.

Enjoy it.

