33. “Patriotism”

Mike Seilback
100 Naked Words
Published in
2 min readSep 12, 2016

Yesterday, I was lucky enough to go with my brother and my son to New York Jets Opening Day. It was my son’s first time to a football game and for my brother and I, it is a bit of a tradition to go to the home opener. Yesterday’s Opening Day also happened to coincide with the 15th anniversary of the September 11th attacks.

The three of us made sure to get into the stadium early so that we could be at our seats for the pregame ceremony and memorial for September 11th. As the ceremony began, we saw a large amount of people congregate on the sideline holding a flag, which was to be unfurled.

The stadium announcer began by introducing a video from the President of the United States Barack Obama. With that, the crowd of guys sitting behind us went crazy — now this wasn’t “U-S-A, USA USA USA!” — this was every curse word you could think of directed at the President. I quickly turned around and said “guys, I’m with my 8 year old, think you could tone it down?” — well that just pissed them off further. “We spent good money on these tickets and we could yell whatever we want at that F_ckin A _ _hole” — and they continued, as did other loud fans around the stadium. (it appears this happened at several other stadiums across the NFL yesterday, too).

Look, we live in a country where anyone has the right to voice their displeasure, and I often side with those who choose to voice their opposition — but I found it so disheartening. President Obama was elected when my son was less than 3 months old — my son has not had any experience with any other President than him. He looks up to the President (and all Presidents). My son knows people have different political opinions, but these guys chose to disagree, disagreeably — with curse words and insane accusations during a SEPTEMBER 11th TRIBUTE! I question the hatred and vitriol on many levels, but it is what it is. Just wish they would have been more respectful about it.

September 11, 2016 | MetLife Stadium

When the short video tribute was over, the National Anthem was sang, the giant flag unfurled and the crowd united in the “U-S-A, USA USA USA!” chant. Kickoff began and then everyone in the crowd retreated to their allegiances, Jets fan or Bengals fan.



Mike Seilback
100 Naked Words

Proud hubby & dad; Mets NY Jets Knicks Islanders fan; lung health advocate; news, sports, politics & communications junkie