333. Take that first step

100 Naked Words
Published in
1 min readMay 25, 2017

Today I attended the soft launch of a new yoga studio nearby to where I live. Normally these things aren’t part of my social calendar, however this yoga studio is owned by two of my close friends and one other partner.

The competition for yoga studios in my area is very tough. There are already a few places that offer yoga classes so I hope that my friends are able to differentiate themselves from their competitors enough to make it a success.

However, regardless of the future of the studio, I must first applaud and give my respect to the three partners for even getting this far.

So many of us have dreams of launching our own business, but these three have actually done it. They didn’t just talk, they followed through on their talk. Most of us don’t follow through. We just like to talk and hope.

I really admire them for taking the scary steps to becoming their own bosses. It doesn’t matter what happens next, at least they were brave enough to take the first step.

They are now ahead of the remaining 99% of us who are still talking. So stop talking and take that first step, because if you don’t you’ll never reach your dream destination.

As Wayne Gretzky once said —

You miss 100% of the shots that you never take.

