4 Things You Need To Stop Doing To Get Ahead in Life

John Smith
3 min readSep 12, 2020

It’s easier to loose focus in a world where we are bombarded with thousand different things to watch, eat, read and do. For anyone to stick to particular task and commit consistently takes a lot of determination. Its easy to give in to constant craving towards all the junk actives that life around us offers. Here are four different things one needs to stop to get ahead in life.

  1. Stop Indulging

Indulgence it sorta like a pitfall which never ends. You keep falling but never hit the ground and time keeps passing as days , week and months gets wasted. Once you find yourself indulging in any activity, everything else sorta shifts to the background and even when you are not doing that activity you are constantly having it played repetitively over and over in your mind’s eye.

The only time you are present fully and in the moment is when you are doing that particular thing. Other times, you live a half awake life where most of your life is switch to auto pilot mode.

Cure : The only way to stop indulge is stop doing the activity. Giving your mind some space to process the thoughts so that it won’t be in a limbo of half dreaming 24/7.

2. Stop Saying you will do it later or tomorrow

Procrastination is one of the most powerful enemy of human beings in this day and age. There is this constant urge to run away from things which we do not enjoy doing. Indulgence and Procrastination are two sides of the same coin. When you don’t want to do something (Procrastinate) , you indulge yourself in something you enjoy which either might not be good for you in many cases or do it too much that it becomes unhealthy.

Cure : Procrastination can only be stopped if you actually push yourself to do something you don’t enjoy but you know you have to do it. However, this needs to be done little at time. You don’t want to burn yourself out. Baby steps forward and eventually you will start walking and soon running.

3. Stop feeling sorry for yourself

Have a good cry if you want and even do all the things which you are not supposed to do but you need to come out of it. Sometimes it means, good advice from a caring friend or a slap in the cheek and some yelling from someone who you feel truly understands you but either way you need to come out of it the more you live in this pitfall endless it becomes.

Cure : To come out of this one do something for someone. It could be anything but help someone out. There is always someone who can use a helping hand. Random act of kindness will get you through this pitfall.

4. Stop comparing yourself to other people

Comparison can only be done when we have something in common with the other person and when we are in the same category of activity. Its unlikely that if you are a 24 years old guy from Nepal who is studying economics you will compare yourself to a 58 years old man from Denmark who is a painter. You two clearly don’t have anything in common.

Comparison takes place with familiar people or who are we can relate to. The things people want and the path each individual wield for themselves in unique. It might be similar but we face different pitfalls at different times. So its pointless to compare oneself to another.

Cure : Rather than comparing yourself with other do it only with yourself. However don’t push yourself too hard, even as individuals we differ on how much we progress while we healthy verses while we are sick. While we are having anxiety and our live is falling apart verse when we are happy and at peace and mentally in a very good place.



John Smith

My Time on this planet is running out. So Each day, I write little of my experience in this vast universe, in poetry and words.