423. Attempting to reset my insomnia

100 Naked Words
Published in
1 min readAug 26, 2017

For the last two weeks my insomnia has become a real thorn in my side.

On the two occasions I’ve been able to fall asleep before midnight I’ve woken up at around 2am and then stayed awake till around 9am when I doze off for a couple more hours.

However more often than not over the last fortnight I’ve only been able to drop off at around 3-4.30am, wake up to feed the twins at 5.45am, and then sleep for 4 hours again sometime during the day.

But last night I didn’t even fall to sleep until around 8am this morning!

I slept for just under two hours and have been awake ever since (it’s now 11.45pm). Now staying awake for so long should mean that I’m super tired. So if I don’t sleep well tonight I really am at a loss on what to do.

I’m hoping my distinct lack of sleep and napping today will help me reset my body clock because napping for so long during the day becoming a real hinderance to my life.

Let’s see how well I sleep tonight.

