424. When a friendship just clicks

100 Naked Words
Published in
1 min readAug 27, 2017

Isn’t it a great feeling when you make a new friend and everything just clicks. When the conversations flow easily and silences aren’t awkward.

It doesn’t matter that the two of you don’t see eye-to-eye on everything (that’s what makes things interesting) but you share enough of the same values to be able to appreciate the other persons point of view.

Somebody that you just like “putting the world to right” with.

As I’ve grown older I’ve had less encounters like this as I’m happy with my current set of friends.

The last time it happened to me was during my year in Tanzania in 2016 where I met some people I now consider very good friends. Unfortunately, due to circumstances I haven’t seen for the last 6 months. However today we managed to meet up with due to a wedding that we were all invited to.

It was great to catch up with them and let the conversations simply flow. No hard work. Just good old chit-chat.

I wonder when it will next happen again.

