43. Morning Rituals

100 Naked Words
Published in
1 min readAug 13, 2016

The need for one

I have been on the road for over a week. More interviews, more networking. Like a game of musical chairs. But I realize that very soon I’ll start working.

And I’ll desperately need a morning ritual by then. That will be my sacred time. The time I take to set the tone for the day. I have always read about morning rituals but mine seem to vary depending on how many times I hit the snooze buttons. So I am setting milestones for myself. By 9 am you will have accomplished these tasks — exercise, meditate, journal, shower AND breakfast. I know I’ll have to recalibrate this to 8 am once I start a job.

It seems to somehow let your day expand, where you are not constantly thinking about how you still need to do certain fundamental things or grapple with the weight of procrastinating.

I am picking up pace now. I need to get more disciplined before the pace picks up and the one thing I let slide is my personal time.

