432. Will homeopathy cure my insomnia?

100 Naked Words
Published in
1 min readSep 4, 2017

A week or two ago I tried to reset my insomnia, and while it worked for a couple of days it didn’t last long.

Last night I only managed to fall asleep at around 5am. From 1am-4am I didn’t look at my phone or my Kindle. Instead I meditated, drink a cup of warm milk, did some stretching, and read some non-fiction for a real book (as opposed to my Kindle).

Though it was all very nice, none of it helped me get to sleep.

My wife has had enough and today she packed me off to go and see a homeopathy practitioner.

After quizzing me about my lifestyle he consulted some books and wrote down a presciption for his assistant to put together for me.

I now have three tubes of ball bearing sized medicine and one clear liquid all of which have to be taken a different number of times throughout the day.

If it helps me then great, but I’ll be honest, I’m neither a believer nor a disbeliever in this, so I’m going to try and keep an open mind without holding my breath.

