46. Hurt people Hurt people

100 Naked Words
Published in
1 min readAug 19, 2016


It’s true isn’t it. Hurt people hurt people. And the cycle continues.

Unless we fix the hurt that’s within us, we may be part of passing the baton along. Which is why its so important to get to a place where you can observe yourself. Instead of wallowing, wading to the shore and spitting fire.

And very often the ones closest to you leave lasting scars. My grand dad used to tell me that as a kid. The person you love the most will also hurt you the most. I thought he was having his dark day. His crying fits stood testament as he sat with his guilt of not treasuring her enough.

Its little wonder then, that the people who sometimes hurt you in a lasting way are within your family. Unintentional, passed on hurt. Hurt that stems from their childhoods or from their marriage or from their failed expectations.

Hurt that you internalize, you accept and then become. But somewhere along the line, if you get to the shore and dry out in the sun for a bit, maybe you’ll see that you are not that hurt. You are not your family.

That’s when self preservation kicks in.

