5. Late Night Thoughts

Baldomero Montes de Oca
100 Naked Words
Published in
2 min readJul 19, 2016

After seeing “Tony Robbins: I Am Not Your Guru” I thought about the common behavior in humans that leads to stress in their lives. The behavior is wanting to meet other people’s expectations of who they should be instead of being true to themselves. We live our teens and 20s living life based on other people’s expectations. As a millennial, the most common goal in my generation that my friends are aiming for is to be “set” by the age of 25. When I ask them, “what does it mean to be set?” They usually respond, “I want to be with the person I love the most and have a home of my own.” The goal isn’t necessarily their own goal but it is simply what they view as the social norm. This past June, I attended Unleashing Your Power Within, a four day self-help seminar, by Tony Robbins. It was one of the most intense experiences of my life. I was in a room with 8,000 people. After day one, it was obvious that we were all there to seek fulfillment in our lives. I met a 50 year old man who was a stockbroker from New York. His regret in life was marrying someone for the wrong reasons and focusing on work instead of his relationship with his daughters. He was in pain because he wasn’t happy in his marriage and only got married because his parents advised him that that was the right person for him.

After the event I realized that the only way of living a fulfilling and happy life is to live life on our own terms and meet our own expectations.



Baldomero Montes de Oca
100 Naked Words

I write at www.millennialpursuits.com. I write about topics on psychology, business, and masculinity.